Magic of Design

This design was another collaboration with Nick Kosturos from Patronik Designs in Burlingame. It took months to make it a reality. I had made drawings of it in my sketch book where I pencil new concepts. I had an old diamond from an elder woman who lived next door to my mom and dad before I was born. She died when I was little and left my sister and I each a platinum ring with a stone. Decades later I wasn’t wearing it and wanted to put the stone in this design. 

Originally the design was to be every other link being solid then open. All of my pieces have an asymmetry to them and I loved the notion of mixing and matching the links while also mixing polished and brushed gold. 

But every time we tried to make it work the measurements wouldn’t fit. The every other link concept wouldn’t fit the size of my wrist. 

You have to make sure the links, as conceived, are a size that when laid out every other one fits your wrist. I didn’t want to shrink or enlarge the links. But every other one kept ending with two of the same being side by side when finished. Ugh. We couldn’t get it right. 

We struggled and struggled. I loved the size of the link. I loved the brushed solid where we would rest the diamond.  We were worried about type of clasp because when the bracelet was finished it had to look like one round piece with no breaks. 

And on it went. Nick and I met every other week or so to mix and match the wax casts. He’d string them together and still we couldn’t  get it right. 

Then one day with them loose all in front of us and us moving them around like pieces on a chessboard they fell into place. He slid them into a pattern of two and two instead of every other one and voila!


This was really a collaboration. I love this piece and I learned again that the creative process can be full of pleasant surprises. My design ended up a rendition of itself but I actually love it more. 

When you least expect it and trust the process creativity pops everything into place. Divine intervention? IDK. I just like to say, trust the process and when things feel forced that’s the universe way of telling us to take a different path.